
An A Capella African band comprised of many different aged men singing about things that touch deeply and hit hard. “Homeless” is a song about things that happen to people—natural disasters, strife, anything that leaves you homeless in the world, or homeless at heart.

“Moonlight sleeping on a midnight lake.” Families gathered around outside with nowhere to go, nowhere to look but up and out. Homeless physically with nothing to turn to but the Earth and her elements; homeless at heart with no one to turn to but the serenity and simplicity of a moon’s reflection on the dark, unknowing waters.

“Strong wind destroy our home. Many dead, tonight it could be you.” Just a small thought sinking into your brain that disasters happen to people without discrimination. The strong wind can leave you without a home; the strong wind can destroy your home from within. It can kill you from the inside out, tearing you apart—your family and lives apart. It can leave anyone homeless depending on how it blows.

Life is so precious and fragile. We put so much emphasis on the things that we can touch rather than the unseen hearts of the people we love.

Are you homeless from within or without, and what do you hold so dearly in this world that is blocking you from feeling what matters?—just think about it.  

Prattville, AL
Your Love Is A Song

It is kind of a new way to view love—God’s love. It can be explained very well actually. With all circumstances in play, everything is combined. Everything affects everything else. We are all connected.

Like a song. All of the different instruments and notes are playing together to make one combined work of art. God’s love is that. His love is this masterful connection of lines and events touching every inch of our lives.

We can hear songs, feel them; they can change the way we see or even act. God’s love is much the same. Music is unending.

His love is a melody, a symphony, all around us, running to us and through us; His love is a song.

Prattville, AL
You Can't Always Get What You Want

The Rolling Stones have been playing music for eternity. I think they understand how it is supposed to be played. We all know this song, but it is time for the youngsters to truly listen to it.

This song can teach us a lot, especially the generation we live in. We have so many things in our possession or minds. We are getting choked by the “American Dream.”

We do not deserve anything. We do not deserve a big house, lots of cars, and the perfect job. This life does not have favorites like we grow up believing.

At the end of all your whining know now, you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you just might get what you need.

Prattville, AL
The Truth

I’ve been listening to this song over and over again trying to decipher the meaning behind it. The meaning of the song is pretty clear, but the chorus cannot be said any other way. The song is sung in three parts—girl, boy, girl. There has obviously been something happen between them that has caused stress. Guy leaves girl, girl hold onto him still. The girl knows the truth and believes that he will be back. She loves him. That is the truth. And he loves her. You can fight anything in this world; you can choose any battle or cause to put your guard up to. I can apply this directly to God which has been a central theme lately. The truth is all there is. You can deny Jesus, deny his existence. You can walk as far away as you think you are getting from Him. In the end, He is the truth. And the truth is all there is.

John 14:6-"I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father but through me."

Prattville, AL
Hero of War

Have you ever been to war? This song has a lot of meaning for a lot of people. It is not to be taken lightly. It can be looked at as anti-military, or anti-war. I see it differently. I see it as wiping away that thin layer of sugar-coat from in between the war and people at home.

War is not great. It is not a place where champions can be born, live up, and die. It is not a place for heroes to sacrifice themselves. It is a place where people go to kill and be killed until somebody says they can’t take it anymore. It’s about killing the innocent because of what a few people decided to do.

He is not saying war should be banned. He is singing that war does not breed heroes. War is a necessary mind-twist of criminality. For the people coming home from a war being over, we need to celebrate their long-awaited return.

Be proud of your soldier, and be proud if you are serving your country. Men and women die every day, so see it for what it is and not a game Call of Duty.

Ecclesiastes 3:8-A time to love, and a time to hate; A time for war, and a time for peace.
Prattville, AL
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

U2 is one of the greatest, most unchanging bands. They are an Irish Catholic band who sometimes hints at spiritual matters rarely, and it is not the basis of their songs. This song is directly and absolutely spiritual.

It is honesty in a matter of uncertainty, and I know many people can relate to this. In the beginning he sings about searching for a girl, but that is not what he is looking for. He talks about flirting with the angels and demons, but he was cold as stone. He still cannot find what he is looking for. Then it gets spiritually questioned.

He sings about believing in life after death and Jesus dying on the cross. He knows and believes all this but he has not found what he is looking for. Many people struggle with their faith. The not knowing what is true or not can be a hard matter to deal with; you have to rely and trust your faith because there is no proof.

I feel this song was written in the stage between U2’s head and heart. You can know and believe God with your head, but that won’t get you anywhere. You have to trust and accept God with your heart. U2 is looking for a deeper purpose than knowing God; he wants to put his faith and trust into Him.

Romans 10:9-That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Prattville, AL
All These Things That I've Done

“All These Things That I’ve Done” has a sincere and rather bold meaning—for me. I hear this song as the artist’s take on calling for God.

The song sings about not growing up past his childish ways. The video shows him cheating on his wife, and all around falling into sin. He cannot get himself out of these temptations. He is calling on God to help him out.

Everyone’s favorite part is no different. “I got soul, but I’m not a soldier.” This is symbolizing that he is a person, and he has a soul. But he is not strong enough, like a soldier of God, to avoid and overcome the things he falls into. He needs help, and he is not strong enough to do it himself. It takes a strong man to call on God’s help.

This is a great song, and even more inspiring to hear it like this. It is a reminder to me that we cannot overcome this world on our own. We need God helping us along and through it.

“Psalm 18:2-The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

Prattville, AL




“Arrows” is a song about growing up and getting second chances. Yeah, he made some mistakes, but they shape who he is. And he made good friends along the way—friends that will even grow their nails out long to scratch an itch for you.

He sings about not changing anything in a line so creative. “When they fly my white flag in the air, I'll shoot it down; I'll shoot it down with arrows.” He is not giving up and surrendering like every other average person. He is taking the mistakes and happiness of his past and using them to push forward. Maybe we should all be more like Fireworks. Let’s keep on our person a bow and arrow at all times to fend off the failure of the submissive white flag. The person you were shaped the person you are; your past is your present.

Prattville, AL

Hockey-"Too Fake"


Too Fake

This is a song with a meaning inside of a meaning. It’s a song about having to be fake, and put up a front. But because it’s a song about being fake, is he fake in singing the song? What do we believe?

“Cause I'm just too fake for the world, I know it's just a game to me, I'm just too fake you see...” It is eloquent. It’s honest while being dishonest.

“But I can't even talk to you, About my effect on people, Cause I'm doing the same thing to you, That's right even right now…” Now it starts to make sense. He cannot connect with anyone; he is fake to everyone, even in telling you he is fake.

It is a very clever song. It’s like everyone expects certain things from certain people, even if it is not who they are at heart. It’s truly a shame.

Quit judgin’ people!

Prattville, AL

Dear Prudence

It is a beautiful world, depending where you look. Some people have grown up seeing only the ugly. Prudence was a victim of that.  This is for anyone who keeps themselves hidden from the world and its beauty. Whether you are scared, hurt, or a reason only you know, there is beauty in everything. Don’t miss out on what this place has for you. Everyone is here for a reason; everything happens for a reason. So to all the Prudence’s, come on out and play. You would be surprised the many beautiful things you see, including your own happiness.

Prattville, AL