Wash Your Face (Click on link or image to play song)

This is a large band with a large sound. They play a lighthearted funk taste with a powerful dose of rugged.

The song "Wash Your Face" is a story of the battle between Ricky Valentine and Reggie Ray. They are just two drunk gentleman with the urge to beat the other in a fist to fist combat scenario. The battle-cry that rings out is none other than, "I'm gonna wash yo' face!" The song has such tones of comedic release that we are able to sit back and enjoy the musicians for all of their hard earned talent. Without this band, we never would have pictured two ugly, grown men "duking" it out while the battle-cry bellowing from the rough and tumble is none other than a line stating that someone's face is about to be washed. Enjoy the mayhem!

Prattville, Alabama



Nantes (Click on link or image to play song)

This song has two interpretations for me: both can be connected with.

The first is the obvious; it is about a relationship that is lost. He has not seen her smile and it is ripping him apart. He will gamble is fright and time away. In a year or so it will slip into the sea, his memory of her.

It will all eventually fade from memory, but for now, it's been a long, long time.

There is a second way it can be viewed, which is my favorite. The man is singing about the city Nantes. It is a place where he can go to to feel at peace. We all have a place like this. It has been a long time since he has seen the city's smile. 

He is going to gamble his fright and time because the city relieves his fears and time flies when in a place you love. And in the close future it will slip into the sea, meaning he will have to leave.

It then sings about not raising your voices, it is just another night in Nantes. This shows that the city is peaceful. It is not a wild party city. It is a peaceful getaway city.

The second view is more romantic.

Prattville, Alabama

Oh Lord (Click on link or image to play song)

The song was written for his son, Julian. I must say this song is amazing, and has a hint of Freddie Mercury--or maybe a tablespoon.

The message is fairly simple, times are going to be hard, but do not give up. A lot of things in this world are going to bring you down, but you have to look on the bright side.

There is always going to be something happening. "'Cause there is always a wrong to your right, and there will always be a war somewhere to fight..."

Keep your head up, and do not get overwhelmed. Keep on keeping on.

Prattville, Alabama

Bad Moon Rising (Click on link or image to play song)

I see a bad moon rising refers to things that go wrong--disasters. We should not mess with disasters.

Some say because this song was written around Nixon's election that the song refers to Nixon. Nixon was the bad moon that rose and would destroy our nation much in unison with hurricanes and other synonymous bad weather.

You can take it to the extreme with that, which is probably what it was inspired by, but I think the meaning is simply anything that can be messy. Stay away from a bad moon on the rise; it can only damage you.

So the conclusion to the meaning of the song would have to be that if you see a bad moon, kill it with fire.

But then you would have to think, what if that means you were the bad moon the whole time.

Auburn, Alabama

Human (Click on link or image to hear song)

I am on the way home. I do not have much time to write, so here is a song that everyone will enjoy.

Think on this: Are we human, or are we dancer?--wrong lyrics.
Are we human, or are we denser. Now listen to it with all new meaning. Enjoy!

Greenville, south Carolina



Sail (Click on link or image to play song)

Having a problem with attention is a serious thing. This band covers it well with how they play it and the meaning behind the chorus.

One word: sail.

It represents sailing off, going off on a separate topic never being equipped to come back to the point. Sailing off through the ideas and thoughts while at the same time seeing new things. Maybe that is all it is.

ADD is simply the want to see and hear new things. The monotony is the problem. They can pay attention, but they choose to use their money wisely and get a wide variety of thoughts. Why not?

A boat can be managed when needed, but it can also sail with the wind. It may be dangerous and tough, disastrous and long, but the journey of the free sail can be a time of learning and growing beyond what was once thought possible.


Frederick, Maryland

Handlebars (Click on link or image to play song)

This song has so much deep meaning it should be more popular than it is. It should be looked into more.

The song shows in a clever way the tendencies of a person prone to rise to power and control. Hitler did not kill millions of people when he was a boy. What were the signs of the child Hitler.

This song starts out with the cocky kid who can ride a bike with no handlebars. Then it progresses to leading a holocaust.

The song today seems more catchy then meaningful. I hope that can be turned around so that this song can be seen for its true genius. Follow the progression as you listen to it. And you can ride your bike without handlebars as long as you do not turn into a dictator.

But quit showing off.

Frederick, Maryland

Growing Pains (Click on link or picture to play song)

I have had the privilege to meet and know this person. He is a man that decided to take a tour on his own to learn what he now knows about himself, the world, the people, and his God.

He traveled in a van making it city to city only on the minute amount of money gained from small-time shows and the sustainability of canned vegetables. He loves all people, from all walks of life. He cares for all people no matter your breed or past, scars or pain, sin or holiness, hate or love.

A man I respect, I want to introduce a song from his second full-length album. A man out to change the world just one person at a time, I was blessed enough to be one of those people.

“Growing Pains” is a song about growing up. The pains associated with failing and trying again, with leaving home in search for what your life needs.

“You must fall down, if you ever want to grow up. You must leave town, if you ever want to come home.” A line written by experience and made true by his voice. You will find just how easy it is to get by in life. We want more than we need, and we fill our lives with the things we want. We are tricked into believing we need more and bigger things. Life is about learning and growing and teaching.

Accept your past, and look to the future.

Frederick, Maryland

Blue Ridge Mountains (Click on link or picture to hear song)

This band is so good. Their harmonies truly shape their melodic sound. Here is one of my favorite songs by these guys. It may not be understood well at first, but I see it as a family.

A couple of brothers who have grown up. The older brother does not want to lose the connection and bond with his younger sibling. The younger brother had a cancelled flight so the older brother took him in.

He wanted the younger brother to stay, but he did not want to impose on him. They reminisced about their childhood as they spent the storm under the protection of their cabin. In the end, the younger brother tells him that he is no burden. It is a song about bonds and love.

The older brother did not want to be without it but respected the younger siblings space and freedom. But the younger brother loves his older sibling and enjoys their time. It is a rather touching song about the bond of a family.

Listen to this one a few times.

Frederick, Maryland

That's Okay (Click on the link or picture to play song)

Sweet sounds come from this band. There is a very soft, romantic feeling to the way they play. The song I enjoy is "That's Okay" for its simple yet powerful feeling.

They sing about someone who is made of glass with a black heart. The kind of person that can be extremely sensitive but inconsiderate at the same time--make the joke but cannot take the joke.

They sing that he wants to find home again where he felt safe. The fear in the man of glass consumes his life. He is scared to confront the world, to live. He needs the comfort of a home he once knew, but that home has since aged. It can never be the same as you left it.

The chorus sings about will they still say your name and love you the same, and if not that's okay. The glass man is so insecure that he needs to know people will still love him if he leaves--like he deserves it. They sing that if people do not stick around, it's okay. It doesn't matter. The shallow glass man is a trivial case.

"Until someone loves you, I'll keep you safe, But, like them, I will give you away." She understands that he is broken, and she will be there for him. But he is going to have to find his own foot and stop relying on others for happiness and love.

"You cannot love another until you love yourself."

Frederick, Maryland