
An A Capella African band comprised of many different aged men singing about things that touch deeply and hit hard. “Homeless” is a song about things that happen to people—natural disasters, strife, anything that leaves you homeless in the world, or homeless at heart.

“Moonlight sleeping on a midnight lake.” Families gathered around outside with nowhere to go, nowhere to look but up and out. Homeless physically with nothing to turn to but the Earth and her elements; homeless at heart with no one to turn to but the serenity and simplicity of a moon’s reflection on the dark, unknowing waters.

“Strong wind destroy our home. Many dead, tonight it could be you.” Just a small thought sinking into your brain that disasters happen to people without discrimination. The strong wind can leave you without a home; the strong wind can destroy your home from within. It can kill you from the inside out, tearing you apart—your family and lives apart. It can leave anyone homeless depending on how it blows.

Life is so precious and fragile. We put so much emphasis on the things that we can touch rather than the unseen hearts of the people we love.

Are you homeless from within or without, and what do you hold so dearly in this world that is blocking you from feeling what matters?—just think about it.  

Prattville, AL

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